CF-MS meta-analysis

This website provides a landing page to explore the data generated in our study, “A comprehensive meta-analysis defines principles for the design and analysis of co-fractionation mass spectrometry experiments,” and the source code used to generate and analyze this data.

Some of the key resources generated by our study are:


The easiest way to begin exploring the uniformly processed resource of CF-MS data is through the CF-MS browser. This interactive web application allows you to specify up to ten proteins of interest, using a number of different identifiers (e.g., gene names, UniProt accessions, Entrez gene IDs, or eggNOG orthogroups). The web application will visualize the elution profiles of these proteins in the experiments where they were quantified, or allow you to download the underlying CF-MS data for these proteins only.

For users with more specific needs, all of the data generated in this study is available, at various levels of analysis, from the following locations:

Source code

Source code is available from the following repositories:

For any questions, please contact Leonard Foster (foster at msl dot ubc dot ca).